HMS Iron Duke Set to Arrive in Portsmouth This Afternoon
HMS Iron Duke is scheduled to sail into HMNB Portsmouth today, arriving at the Fountain Lake Jetty around 5 PM, as confirmed by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) shipping movements. The Type 23 frigate will be accompanied by a pilot and tug assist as she makes her way past the iconic Round Tower in Old Portsmouth.
Most recently, HMS Iron Duke has been stationed in Jersey, working closely with 825 Naval Air Squadron. The ship supported operations involving Merlin Wildcat helicopters, known as the “workhorses of the fleet,” which conducted flight deck landings. During her time alongside Jersey, the crew hosted an open day for the public, engaging with the local community and participating in charity events. Personnel also welcomed sea cadets and local visitors on board, further strengthening ties with the island.
Lieutenant Governor Jerry Kyd was a special guest aboard HMS Iron Duke during a formal event. Commander David Armstrong, the ship’s captain, remarked: “Ships don’t often get the opportunity to visit Jersey. It’s important for the people here to see us, as it highlights our commitment to maritime security, which is crucial for the island.”
Prior to the Jersey visit, HMS Iron Duke played a key role in shadowing Russian naval forces alongside HMS Tyne. The frigate monitored the movement of a Russian Kilo-class submarine, Novorossiysk, and its supporting tug as they passed through the Dover Strait. Additionally, the ship tracked the Russian corvette Stoiky and an accompanying tanker. In a related operation, two RAF Typhoon jets were scrambled to intercept Russian Bear-F reconnaissance aircraft near UK airspace, although they did not breach national boundaries.
The increased naval and aerial activity comes amid ongoing tensions linked to the conflict in Ukraine, with both the Royal Navy and RAF frequently tasked with monitoring Russian military movements close to UK waters.